Downstairs they're playing Kenton
The house set to swing
I lay in my bed
And listen to everything
Cause Leo's in rare form tonight
His trombone sings so sweet
This is the room
Where they all come to meet
He said
I do what I can
I live for the moment
And that's who I am
Yeah that's who I am
And isn't it good
If we could freeze moments in time
We all would
But I do what I can
I do what I can
Downstairs he's playing Kenton
The Magnavox sighs
But oh how the music has changed
In all of our lives
He says "nobody listens
world - világ
where - ahol
trombone - harsona
tonight - ma este
these - ezek
there - ott
everything - minden
grandparents - nagyszülők
draft - vázlat
still - még mindig
dodging - elől
houses - házak
house - ház
changed - megváltozott
quiet - csendes
brothers - testvérek
freeze - fagy
riots - zavargások
democrat - demokrata
around - körül
different - különböző
alive - élő
downstairs - a földszinten
choices - választás
cause - ok
listens - figyel
modern - modern
lives - életét
listen - hallgat
living - élő
optimistic - optimista
mothers - anyák
music - zene
young - fiatal
never - soha
moment - pillanat
procession - felvonulás
would - lenne
nobody - senki
playing - játszik
possibly - esetleg
screen - képernyő
those - azok
their - azok
sighs - sóhajok
swing - hinta
discontented - elégedetlen
could - tudott
colors - színek
since - mivel
sings - énekel
kennedys -
somehow - valahogy
street - utca
moments - pillanatok
survive - túlélni
sweet - édes
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