Listen carefully
Listen to these words
Baby take a minute let me sit you down
Been waiting for the time and the time is now
I think you should decide where you wanna be
Running in the streets or living here with me
Baby take a step back and look around
Gonna run yourself like you do the ground
You're not invincible and the fact is
Nothing's guaranteed but the darn taxes?
Control your pebble before he turn to stone
Boy you better listen for you're all alone
When the money's spent and all your friends are gone
Then you're gonna realize, you're only flesh and bone (flesh and bone)
Then you're gonna realize, you're only flesh and bone
You know
Look into my eyes and tell me what you see
yourself - saját magad
words - szavak
woman - nő
where - ahol
wanna - akarok
understand - megért
think - gondol
thing - dolog
alone - egyedül
gonna - fog
bread - kenyér
friends - barátok
cause - ok
streets - utcák
granted - megadott
telling - sokatmondó
around - körül
decide - döntsd el
could - tudott
always - mindig
after - után
running - futás
extreme - szélső
begging - könyörgés
before - előtt
guaranteed - garantált
control - ellenőrzés
getting - szerzés
better - jobb
single - egyetlen
carefully - gondosan
realize - megvalósítani
invincible - legyőzhetetlen
spent - költött
taxes - adók
listen - hallgat
exploit - kihasználni
living - élő
bleed - vérzik
never - soha
pebble - kavics
these - ezek
momma - mama
precious - értékes
reality - valóság
minute - perc
settle - rendezni
waiting - várakozás
ground - talaj
should - kellene
flesh - hús
theory - elmélet
world - világ
stone - kő
sweet - édes
there - ott
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