Child...every time you come around
you divert my feelings, and bring me further down
Would you like to be
the serpentine whirls of the stream?
Would you like to cope for all your dreams?
Sister Nightfall controlling the lights in me
Though it hurts it feels just like a dream
Come down to linger in heresy
and come down on me with all your serenity
Shivers down the spine
when she comes down the hall
Thy effigy seems frail to be
or was it ever there at all?
would - lenne
whirls - örvények
there - ott
stream - folyam
seven - hét
their - azok
serpentine - szerpentin
secrets - titkok
reveal - felfed
nightfall - alkony
merge - összeolvad
sails - vitorlák
linger - habozik
dream - álom
comes - jön
seems - Úgy tűnik,
enshrined - foglalt
serenity - higgadtság
divert - elterelje
scenery - látvány
another - egy másik
controlling - kontrolling
bring - hoz
divine - isteni
feels - érzi
around - körül
sister - lánytestvér
effigy - képmás
feelings - érzések
dreams - álmok
spine - gerinc
child - gyermek
failed - nem sikerült
should - kellene
every - minden
undreamed - álmodott
tonight - ma este
frail - törékeny
though - bár
heresy - eretnekség
further - további
within - belül
heavens - egek
shivers - forgács
lights - lámpák
hurts - fáj
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