She blew my mind behind the record machine
She was a shitload of trouble called the Subway Queen
Had a list of bad habits and a shake that was a bit obscene
One night I caught her running out the cellar door
There was about a million people lying flat on the floor
For such a sweet little lady I would swear she's rotten to the core
Oh yes
She's got her hands in the cookie jar
Smiling like an alligator
Makin' headlines in the back of her car
Tight lipped now but she'll sink ships later
I know a thing or two about
sweet little sister
Her mama kill her if she knew what she do
she's my sweet little sister
She'll love ya black and blue
sweet little sister
She's Mona Lisa with a new tattoo
she's my sweet little, sweet little sister
Every quittin' time is another disease
trouble - baj
tight - szoros
there - ott
swear - esküszik
squeeze - présel
sister - lánytestvér
shake - ráz
running - futás
rotten - rothadt
disease - betegség
boogie - boogie
cowboys - cowboyok
doing - csinál
crack - repedés
every - minden
cookie - aprósütemény
friends - barátok
cellar - pince
called - hívott
candy - cukorka
about - ról ről
black - fekete
floor - padló
another - egy másik
later - a későbbiekben
angel - angyal
tattoo - tetoválás
state - állapot
friend - barát
thing - dolog
being - lény
price - ár
behind - mögött
caught - elkapott
burgundy - Burgundia
record - rekord
getting - szerzés
subway - metró
alligator - aligátor
hands - kezek
habits - szokások
smiling - mosolygás
mental - szellemi
headlines - szalagcímek
heavy - nehéz, súlyos
night - éjszaka
knees - térd
tongue - nyelv
mission - misszió
lipped - szegélyes
through - keresztül
heaven - menny
little - kicsit
sweet - édes
people - emberek
lying - fekvő
machine - gép
mercy - kegyelem
shitload - rakás
million - millió
would - lenne
obscene - obszcén
queen - királynő
ships - hajók
queer - furcsa
rocket - rakéta
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