You kill me with your smelly fingers

Your smelly fingers from the sex you had on Christmas Day

And now you say you're feeling guilty

You're feeling guilty 'cos your god was shining on your face

You go to church and light a candle

And then you're blinded by the light from all the golden pews

The devil's snapping at your toes now

Because the angels can't be bothered to live up to you

They're selling jesus again

They're selling jesus again

They want your soul and your money, blood and your bones

They're selling jesus again

wrote - írt
world - világ
wishing - kívánó
white - fehér
their - azok
smelly - büdös
snapping - harapós
shining - csillogó
selling - eladási
place - hely
light - fény
lying - fekvő
bothered - zavarta
blood - vér
feeling - érzés
fingers - ujjak
blinded - vak
golden - aranysárga
belonged - tartozott
crucified - megfeszítették
theories - elméletek
because - mert
bones - csontok
again - újra
always - mindig
beach - strand
buying - vásárlás
candle - gyertya
guilty - bűnös
christmas - karácsony
church - templom
cross - kereszt
money - pénz
angels - angyalok
build - épít
jesus - Jézus

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