Sweetness, sweetness never suits me, when I get up to take you home
Maybe it's love, love at first slightly drunk
Now I'm walking with the sun in my mouth
Worry, worry is a well, going to let it fall tonight, from where we stand
What can't be decided
In the morning it will bring itself to you
I can see what's coming, but I'm not saying it
Sickness, weakness at the thought, of how you're going to play
How long should I stay?
Promises, promises never cease to assist it, now I'm back on my back
walking - gyalogló
tonight - ma este
trust - bizalom
sweetness - édesség
worry - aggodalom
suits - ruhák
stand - állvány
slightly - némileg
sickness - betegség
saying - mondás
always - mindig
choose - választ
mouth - száj
coming - eljövetel
going - haladó
weakness - gyengeség
itself - maga
thinking - gondolkodás
morning - reggel
should - kellene
cease - megszűnik
deceive - becsap
drunk - részeg
assist - segít
decided - határozott
believe - hinni
maybe - talán
bring - hoz
words - szavak
please - kérem
promises - ígér
first - első
where - ahol
thought - gondolat
hurry - siet
leave - szabadság
middle - középső
never - soha
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