Your wall's too high, I can't see
Can't seem to reach you, can't set you free
If you can hear me, follow the sound
And help me tear your wall down to the ground
Everyone gets hurt sometimes
Everybody plays the game
If you don't win the first time
Come back and try again
Rocks and bricks can't help you
You can't hide behind your wall
Why don't you try to jump it little girl
I'll catch you if you fall
through - keresztül
tells - megmondja
sometimes - néha
walls - falak
seems - Úgy tűnik,
realize - megvalósítani
plays - játszik
bowed - meghajolt
watch - néz
seven - hét
alone - egyedül
ground - talaj
without - nélkül
still - még mindig
again - újra
downtown - belváros
catch - fogás
nobody - senki
around - körül
rocks - sziklák
first - első
night - éjszaka
bricks - tégla
behind - mögött
reach - elér
alright - rendben
outside - kívül
everybody - mindenki
early - korai
clock - óra
lights - lámpák
everyone - mindenki
sound - hang
falls - zuhatag
round - kerek
floor - padló
follow - kövesse
people - emberek
little - kicsit
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