In the mirror
You could see her from a mile man
She was alright
She looked right over her shoulder
Right at me
I was falling through the floor now
She came, over me
Help me, oh help me,
She's out of her mind
Help me, oh help me
Somebody tonight
Laughing, all night
She could tell a funny story
She could stay up all night
She was someone to remember
She was black and white
We did it on a sunbed
And she did it right
Help me, oh help me,
She's out of her mind
Help me, somebody
Oh help me, tonight
works - művek
watching - nézni
waste - hulladék
wanna - akarok
under - alatt
trying - megpróbálja
times - alkalommal
tight - szoros
through - keresztül
think - gondol
laughing - nevetés
funny - vicces
mirror - tükör
sunbed - napágy
floor - padló
chilli - chili
underneath - alul
heart - szív
gaining - egyre
falling - eső
shoulders - vállak
working - dolgozó
could - tudott
white - fehér
tonight - ma este
heavenly - mennyei
beautiful - szép
fighting - harcoló
child - gyermek
drink - ital
remember - emlékezik
dancing - tánc
black - fekete
clouded - felhős
story - sztori
nothing - semmi
across - át
crazy - őrült
light - fény
right - jobb
lights - lámpák
looked - nézett
saturday - szombat
movies - filmek
loving - szerető
night - éjszaka
prancing - táncolás
running - futás
alright - rendben
stories - történetek
shoot - lő
making - gyártás
shoulder - váll
blanket - takaró
bullshit - hülyeség
somebody - valaki
someone - valaki
table - asztal
around - körül
telly - tévé
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