There are two young lovers, they're pledged to each other's hands,

They meet by the river, to talk of their marriage plans.

"I'm confessing," he said, "I've signed for a soldier,

I'm leaving tomorrow for some foreign land."

She watches the pretty young soldiers,

As they march themselves off to the war.

She wonders if she'll ever see him again,

Somehow she doubts it, but she has to be sure.

So she rode into town on the very next day,

And dressed herself up all in man's array.

With a sword and a musket she took the King's shilling,

And to fight in some foreign war,

She said, "Yes!," she'd be willing.

willing - hajlandó
watches - Órák
uniforms - egyenruha
tomorrow - holnap
wonders - csodák
think - gondol
there - ott
themselves - maguk
those - azok
their - azok
sword - kard
tumbled - zuhant
starting - kiindulási
leaving - kilépő
array - sor
somehow - valahogy
flanks - lágyék
fixed - rögzített
effect - hatás
listen - hallgat
again - újra
confessing - megvallották
break - szünet
confession - gyónás
having - amelynek
heart - szív
captain - kapitány
shake - ráz
dressed - öltözött
foreign - külföldi
released - felszabadított
follow - kövesse
brown - barna
young - fiatal
never - soha
ranks - soraiban
herself - önmaga
inspect - ellenőriz
astride - lovaglóülésben
doubts - kétségek
pledged - ígéretet tett
right - jobb
march - március
soldiers - katonák
musket - muskéta
strange - furcsa
offer - ajánlat
lovers - szerelmeseinek
plans - tervek
hands - kezek
shilling - shilling
pretty - szép
understand - megért
fight - harc
pulls - húz
quite - egészen
marriage - házasság
river - folyó
shoulders - vállak
signed - aláírt
someone - valaki
soldier - katona

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