If I should close my eyes, that my soul can see,

And there's a place at the table that you saved for me.

So many thousand miles over land and sea,

I hope to dare, that you hear my prayer,

And somehow I'll be there.

It's but a concrete floor where my head will lay,

And though the walls of this prison are as cold as clay.

But there's a shaft of light where I count my days,

winter - téli
where - ahol
walls - falak
thoughts - gondolatok
though - bár
there - ott
table - asztal
swear - esküszik
stare - bámul
count - számol
despair - kétségbeesés
comes - jön
always - mindig
trees - fák
concrete - konkrét
darkness - sötétség
barely - alig
chair - szék
miles - mérföld
still - még mindig
empty - üres
saved - mentett
should - kellene
every - minden
window - ablak
thousand - ezer
strong - erős
broken - törött
prayer - ima
floor - padló
place - hely
light - fény
shaft - nyél
speak - beszél
prison - börtön
close - bezárás
somehow - valahogy

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