Outside of me there's no one there.

There was never a chance that you could care.

I'm seeing visions in my dreams.

Of all the things you think I'll be.

That's the thing it means everything to me.

But I can't bring myself to be that way just yet.

wanted - kívánatos
might - esetleg
dreams - álmok
forgive - megbocsát
could - tudott
always - mindig
sometimes - néha
everything - minden
right - jobb
bring - hoz
myself - magamat
never - soha
means - eszközök
opening - nyílás
outside - kívül
visions - víziók
sorry - sajnálom
there - ott
between - között
seeing - látás
chance - véletlen
thing - dolog
think - gondol
things - dolgok

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