I've noticed, people, they all have motives

Different, yet all the same

I fumble through every word that is spoken

and I barely knew your name

I'm tongue-tied, it runs through my blood and my insides

Some things we can't escape

But if we try, if we try, we can leave this behind

It's been a lifetime, a lifetime we waited for

A simple question, kid, 'are you with me or not at all?'

Your eyes wide, always ahead of the curve tide

Quiet, and confident

Oh, we stood there, awkward and youthful, we tangled

A piece of my soul escaped

Oh, we are restless and tired of sleeping with giants

wasting - pazarlás
waiting - várakozás
waited - várt
tired - fáradt
through - keresztül
things - dolgok
there - ott
stood - állt
sleeping - alvás
seems - Úgy tűnik,
their - azok
restless - nyughatatlan
quiet - csendes
question - kérdés
tongue - nyelv
piece - darab
blood - vér
behind - mögött
spoken - beszélt
people - emberek
motives - motívumok
modern - modern
youthful - fiatalos
simple - egyszerű
barely - alig
curve - ív
noticed - észrevette
before - előtt
always - mindig
confident - magabiztos
answer - válasz
insides - belsejét
fumble - tapogat
awkward - kínos
either - bármelyik
escaped - megszökött
different - különböző
tangled - kusza
mankind - emberiség
every - minden
ahead - előre
lifetime - élettartam
escape - menekülni
giants - óriások
leave - szabadság

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