Lay down your weary tune, lay down

Lay down the song you strum

And rest yourself beneath the strength of strings

No voice can hope to hum

Sruck by the sounds before the sun

I knew the night had gone

The morning breeze like a bugle blew

Against the drums of dawn

Lay down your weary tune, lay down

Lay down the song you strum

And rest yourself beneath the strength of strings

weary - fáradt
waves - hullámok
strum - veri a zongorát
strands - szálak
clung - ragaszkodott
yourself - saját magad
breeze - szellő
strings - húrok
banjo - bendzsó
branches - ágak
rocks - sziklák
listened - hallgatta
strength - erő
night - éjszaka
breast - mell
winds - szelek
trees - fák
against - ellen
ocean - óceán
beneath - alatt
sounds - hangok
before - előtt
cymbals - cintányérok
drums - dobok
played - dátum
voice - hang
leaves - levelek
clashed - csaptak
sands - strand
morning - reggel
bugle - kürt
organ - szerv
seaweed - hínár

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