It's happy hour again

I think I might be happy if I wasn't out with them

And they're happy it's a lovely place to be

Happy that the fire is real the barman is a she

Where the haircuts smile

And the meaning of style

Is a night out with the bass

Where you win or you lose

And its them who choose

And if you don't win then you've lost

What a good place to be

women - nők
where - ahol
wallets - pénztárcák
think - gondol
their - azok
speak - beszél
right - jobb
place - hely
night - éjszaka
never - soha
different - különböző
overgrown - nyurga
happened - történt
clothes - ruhák
smile - mosoly
close - bezárás
really - igazán
drink - ital
questions - kérdések
barman - csapos
catch - fogás
another - egy másik
trees - fák
believe - hinni
lovely - bájos
choose - választ
haircuts - frizurával
minds - elmék
footsteps - nyomában
happy - boldog
language - nyelv
style - stílus
knees - térd
kitchen - konyha
meaning - jelentés
again - újra
following - következő
might - esetleg

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