I tried to be someone
I lied to be someone else... for you
If I had done something a little bit differently
We would've moved in a better direction than this, baby
If you were human
If you were who I assumed you were
You wouldn't have done this
I thought I did something
But she would do anything to bring me down
And she brought me down
You say that you love me
But you act like you don't
You used to adore me
Laughed at all of my jokes
tried - megpróbálta
through - keresztül
thing - dolog
sting - fullánk
sorry - sajnálom
think - gondol
something - valami
someone - valaki
psycho - pszicho
lying - fekvő
loved - szeretett
direction - irány
differently - eltérően
daddy - apu
children - gyermekek
fucked - szar
adore - rajong
brought - hozott
laughed - nevetett
bring - hoz
thank - köszönet
favorite - kedvenc
moved - költözött
anything - bármi
assumed - feltételezte
wrong - rossz
dream - álom
would - lenne
lives - életét
better - jobb
liked - tetszett
enough - elég
human - emberi
first - első
ignoring - figyelmen kívül hagyva
imagine - képzeld el
thought - gondolat
problems - problémák
jokes - viccek
little - kicsit
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