It all started up when I was fighting with a cop
At least I could stop
I guess I couldn't stop
Hey, I'm the voice now 'n' you have only one choice
I will make you choose my my my my my stooooory
No, I'm not fading, not even hesitatin
Still I'm gonna stay, if you would say
That this is law 'n' you better obey me
I'm gonna teach you
world - világ
where - ahol
welcome - üdvözöljük
waste - hulladék
voice - hang
trouble - baj
treat - csemege
thing - dolog
there - ott
could - tudott
bubble - buborék
least - legkevésbé
choose - választ
still - még mindig
choice - választás
started - indult
duties - feladatai
about - ról ről
would - lenne
better - jobb
fucking - kibaszott
nothin - semmi
called - hívott
fading - elhalványulás
fighting - harcoló
black - fekete
gonna - fog
break - szünet
guess - találd ki
swing - hinta
making - gyártás
teach - tanít
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