There you come again,

I see you're having your everlasting smile on your face,

like now n' then.

I cannot hide, I cannot fight,

I cannot go, you know, you know, you know,

hey, do you know

that you do not have to entertain anybody, that you do not have to

entertain my cat,

twisted - csavart
times - alkalommal
entertain - szórakoztat
cannot - nem tud
everlasting - örökkévaló
comes - jön
deserve - megérdemel
again - újra
because - mert
another - egy másik
anybody - bárki
seems - Úgy tűnik,
asking - kérve
people - emberek
fight - harc
happy - boldog
really - igazán
having - amelynek
words - szavak
hurts - fáj
nature - természet
reason - ok
hands - kezek
smile - mosoly
there - ott

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