Train whistle blowing makes a sleepy noise
Underneath their blankets go all the girls and boys
Rocking rolling riding out along the bay
All bound for Morningtown many miles away
Driver at the engine fireman rings the bell
Sand man swings the lantern to show that all is well
whistle - síp
where - ahol
underneath - alul
train - vonat
there - ott
lantern - lámpa
little - kicsit
engine - motor
girls - lányok
sleepy - álmos
travellers - utazók
inside - belül
fireman - tűzoltó
makes - gyártmányú
sunshine - napfény
bound - köteles
blowing - fúj
their - azok
maybe - talán
raining - eső
miles - mérföld
driver - sofőr
noise - zaj
riding - lovaglás
swings - hinták
along - mentén
blankets - takarók
rocking - hintaszék
somewhere - valahol
rings - gyűrűk
rolling - gördülő
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