Standing on the corner,

suitcase in my hand

Jack is in his corset and Jane is in her vest

and, me I'm in a rock'n'roll band, huh

Ridin' in a Stutz-Bearcat, Jim

Y'know, those were different times

Oh, all the poet, they studied rules of verse

And the ladies, they rolled their eyes

Sweet Jane!

Whoa! Sweet Jane!

Oh-oh-a! Sweet Jane!

I'll tell you something

Jack, he is a banker

And Jane, she is a clerk

Both of them save their monies, ha

And when, when they come home from work

Ooh! Sittin' down by the fire, oh

wooden - fa
women - nők
whisper - suttogás
there - ott
ladies - hölgyek
music - zene
those - azok
their - azok
anyone - bárki
corner - sarok
other - más
roses - rózsák
around - körül
clerk - hivatalnok
peoples - népek
banker - bankár
villains - gazemberek
children - gyermekek
seems - Úgy tűnik,
standing - álló
gonna - fog
suitcase - bőrönd
never - soha
blink - pislogás
dancing - tánc
break - szünet
everything - minden
verse - vers
bearcat - bearcat
blush - elpirul
always - mindig
classical - klasszikus
times - alkalommal
different - különböző
ready - kész
march - március
soldiers - katonák
faint - elájul
monies - pénzek
mothers - anyák
radio - rádió
played - dátum
protest - tiltakozás
everyone - mindenki
really - igazán
rolled - tekercselt
heart - szív
rules - szabályok
heavenly - mennyei
corset - befűz
smiles - mosolyog
watch - néz
something - valami
studied - tanult
people - emberek
sweet - édes

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