[Acording to the Roman storyteller Jordanes, the Gothic Tribes gatheres unter the flag of their leader Berik. From their Motherland up in the North they sailed away with three ships to invade the christian Rome like pagan crusaders. The crew on the three ships were ancestors of three legendary Gothic tribes calles Ostrogoths, Visigoths and Gepids. The christian Rome empire feared the Goths and monks identified the Goths with Gog, a heathen chief mentioned the Bible. The Gothic king Theoderik founded his kingdom in Italy year 488 CE. Althoug the aristocracy of Italy and Spain often claimed their heritage back to the Goth the word gothic was later assciated with darkness and paganism. The Gothic god was Wotan or -odin and his spear insired fear and terror. During the Romanticism the Gothic art was revalued and become synonyme with art and inspiration. The renaissance of the Gothic spirit have made the three ships of Berik sail once again.]
[Lyrics by Thomas Karlsson]
[Music by Christofer Johnsson]
Leitmotif of the Gothic Army
Jordanes told us the story.
Yes, of Berik!
[Berik, the Gothic King:]
„Gather all the Ostrogoths
visigoths - vizigótok
unter - unter
tribes - törzsek
terror - terror
tyrants - zsarnokok
story - sztori
storm - vihar
spain - Spanyolország
spirit - szellem
ships - hajók
sailed - vitorlázott
roman - római
flashing - villanás
darkness - sötétség
sublime - fenséges
crusaders - keresztesek
althoug - bár csak
three - három
their - azok
everywhere - mindenhol
heritage - örökség
acording - az érvényes
across - át
during - alatt
heathen - pogány
claimed - azzal
ancestors - elődök
feared - félt
arctic - sarkvidéki
legendary - legendás
monks - szerzetesek
crusade - keresztes hadjárat
thomas - tamás
become - válik
mentioned - említett
storyteller - mesemondó
bible - Biblia
identified - azonosított
aristocracy - arisztokrácia
again - újra
chief - fő
divine - isteni
inspiration - ihlet
lyrics - dalszöveg
christian - keresztény
invade - betör
kingdom - királyság
renaissance - reneszánsz
often - gyakran
italy - Olaszország
empire - birodalom
later - a későbbiekben
flying - repülő
leader - vezető
goths - gótok
music - zene
world - világ
romanticism - romantika
founded - alapított
north - északi
spear - lándzsa
gather - gyűjt
gothic - gótikus
motherland - haza
pagan - pogány
paganism - pogányság
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