Now is the climax to the story

That gives the demons and angels purpose

They fly around while we are

Walking and mold our emotions

Just to please them

I am cold, can you hear?

I will fly with no hope, no fear

And the ground taunts my wings

Plummet as I sing, plummet as I sing

All we are is an isle of flightless birds

We find our worth in giving birth, and stuff

We're lining our homes against winding roads

And we think the going is tough

We pick songs to sing, remind us of things nobody cares about

wrong - rossz
worth - érdemes
wings - szárnyak
winding - kanyargó
while - míg
wasting - pazarlás
walking - gyalogló
tough - kemény
thinking - gondolkodás
things - dolgok
taunts - gúnyolódásaikat
stuff - dolog
story - sztori
sleeping - alvás
sleep - alvás
sides - fél
routine - rutin
emotions - érzelmek
think - gondol
against - ellen
believe - hinni
flightless - röpképtelen
nobody - senki
demons - démonok
weeping - síró
evening - este
degrading - clique numa palavra ou selecione uma expressão para ver a tradução
afraid - félnek
climax - tetőpont
patiently - türelmesen
please - kérem
cares - gondok
gives - ad
heart - szív
fading - elhalványulás
angels - angyalok
birth - születés
begin - kezdődik
songs - dalok
morning - reggel
about - ról ről
around - körül
decide - döntsd el
repeat - ismétlés
birds - madarak
going - haladó
frustrating - frusztráló
giving - így
waiting - várakozás
ground - talaj
light - fény
every - minden
homes - otthonok
lining - bélés
knows - tudja
suicidal - öngyilkos
right - jobb
battle - csata
honestly - őszintén
roads - utak
plummet - nehezék
promise - ígéret
probably - valószínűleg
purpose - célja
creep - kúszás
apart - eltekintve
really - igazán
remind - emlékeztet

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