I was walking alone thru a side show

With passion and pain on each side.

Something inside me was calling

For a chance to stay alive.

At the time I didn't know what was calling

As my head was buried in grief.

Today I heard what was crying.

My FREEDOM calling me

And we all make our choices

Like a blind man feels his way,

And the choice I've made is simple:

walking - gyalogló
today - ma
where - ahol
thought - gondolat
their - azok
simple - egyszerű
wandered - vándorolt
passion - szenvedély
never - soha
choice - választás
children - gyermekek
chance - véletlen
calling - hívás
looked - nézett
decision - döntés
choices - választás
filled - megtöltött
something - valami
alone - egyedül
alive - élő
around - körül
grief - bánat
blind - vak
which - melyik
heard - hallott
confused - zavaros
choose - választ
crying - síró
buried - eltemetett
feels - érzi
teardrops - könnycsepp
freedom - szabadság
loneliness - magányosság
inside - belül

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