Hidden in your every move
Are the words that you will never say
Stars and moons are not your style
I've known for a while this is not your way
I hear you
I do know you very well
And our time will tell if I read you right
It can be so very hard
wrong - rossz
while - míg
maybe - talán
horse - ló
known - ismert
nothing - semmi
looking - keres
along - mentén
words - szavak
anything - bármi
moons - holdak
cloud - felhő
never - soha
until - amíg
every - minden
style - stílus
night - éjszaka
prove - bizonyít
thought - gondolat
hidden - rejtett
right - jobb
touch - érintés
stars - csillagok
light - fény
think - gondol
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