oh the moon was full and the color of blood
the night the pirates came to the vampire club
their leader was tall and snide and slim
he looked like a gay captain morgan
well, he recognized a vampire from his school
and he did something that was most uncool
he said 'hey everybody, see the fool in the cape?
his name is bernie weinstein and he's in the 8th grade!'
fangs were flying, capes were torn
hell hath no fury like a vampire scorned
the number one rule in this game:
never call one by his real name
upside - fejjel
undead - élőhalott
uncool - nem menő
still - még mindig
something - valami
while - míg
their - azok
snaggletooth - snaggletooth
there - ott
school - iskola
really - igazán
pulled - húzta
avoid - elkerül
contacts - kapcsolatok
color - szín
capes - köpeny
boots - csizma
vampire - vámpír
called - hívott
broke - törött
cause - ok
gaggle - gágog
blood - vér
another - egy másik
recognized - elismert
laughed - nevetett
angst - Angst
night - éjszaka
snide - hamis
anything - bármi
always - mindig
morgan - Morgan
scorned - megvetette
bernie - Bernie
crushed - szétzúzott
pointy - hegyes
around - körül
black - fekete
missi - missi
heads - fejek
singing - éneklés
drain - csatorna
after - után
danced - táncolt
believe - hinni
fangs - agyarak
dressed - öltözött
everybody - mindenki
fight - harc
flushed - kipirult
goths - gótok
grade - fokozat
ladies - hölgyek
rivet - szegecs
never - soha
flying - repülő
leader - vezető
peaceful - békés
captain - kapitány
looked - nézett
orders - rendelés
number - szám
pirates - kalózok
puddle - pocsolya
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