Let this be the day that I stop to care and pour my hate upon this world
Look me in the eyes, tell me you don't feel the same anymore
Look me in my fucking eyes
Fuck what you think
I'm so sick of all these people pretending like they don't have a darkness,
world - világ
where - ahol
through - keresztül
these - ezek
there - ott
throat - torok
edges - élek
coincide - egybevág
harness - hám
people - emberek
anymore - többé
choke - fojtás
created - készítette
create - teremt
fucking - kibaszott
around - körül
neglected - elhanyagolt
darkness - sötétség
rough - durva
hated - gyűlölt
learned - tanult
lesson - lecke
ourselves - minket
pretending - úgy tesz, mintha
think - gondol
things - dolgok
light - fény
perfection - tökéletesség
blind - vak
minds - elmék
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