Good evening Ladies and Gentleman I'm Niah Pitson I'm standing in front of the historic Manns chinese theatre where thousands literally thousands of fans, journalists and well wishers have gathered merely to catch a glimpse of the artists formerly known as fresh prince. This album premiere marks Will Smith's return to the world of rap. The long awaited album entitled Big Willie Style has broken sales records everywhere from Bangkok to Madagaskar as we all anxiously await the arrival of the man himself. Oh wait a minute judging from the stir of the crowd yes he's arrived Ladies and gentleman Will Smith has arrived Will Will hey Will real brothers hey whats up man how you doing
I'm Keith B Real from Keep it Real radio and founding editor of Keep it Real magazine and motivational tapes we practice what we preach here brother and that is Keeping it Real. Now Will let me ask you something do you think that you make quote unquote real rap music cause I ain't never seen no Wu dancing wit no singing alien keep it real
Well brother I like to have a good time have fun with the music that I make you know let people have fun
world - világ
willie - Willie
years - évek
unquote - idézőjelet bezár
thousands - több ezer
these - ezek
tapes - szalagok
wishers - wishers
table - asztal
standing - álló
style - stílus
sorry - sajnálom
smith - kovács
saved - mentett
return - visszatérés
sales - értékesítés
radio - rádió
quote - idézet
question - kérdés
singing - éneklés
prince - herceg
preach - prédikál
practice - gyakorlat
people - emberek
music - zene
think - gondol
motivational - motivációs
minute - perc
records - feljegyzések
marks - jelek
dancing - tánc
catch - fogás
formerly - korábban
another - egy másik
brother - fiú testvér
arrival - érkezés
anxiously - aggodalmasan
charlie - charlie
never - soha
broken - törött
whats - izé
arrived - megérkezett
gathered - összegyűjtött
ladies - hölgyek
journalists - újságírók
await - várja
doing - csinál
album - album
chinese - kínai
where - ahol
alien - idegen
glimpse - megpillant
merely - csupán
magazine - magazin
artists - művészek
escort - kíséret
brothers - testvérek
evening - este
awaited - várt
editor - szerkesztő
front - elülső
entitled - jogosult
bangkok - Bangkok
everybody - mindenki
theatre - színház
literally - szó szerint
fresh - friss
times - alkalommal
founding - alapító
gentleman - úriember
himself - saját maga
keith - Keith
premiere - bemutató
cause - ok
anyway - akárhogyan is
historic - történelmi
keeping - tartás
something - valami
inside - belül
crowd - tömeg
complex - összetett
judging - ítélve
everywhere - mindenhol
known - ismert
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