Meet you in the secret place
Scuffling in the dirt I wait
Whistle will blow, whistle will blow,
Share a joke the laugh's on me
But when I get you on your own we'll see
Someone might hear, someone might hear
You're a working girl now
You've got money of your own
working - dolgozó
whistle - síp
meeting - találkozó
under - alatt
lying - fekvő
scuffling - dulakodás
looked - nézett
ground - talaj
strolling - sétáló
again - újra
might - esetleg
chimney - kémény
breath - lehelet
machines - gépek
bracken - páfrány
never - soha
someone - valaki
place - hely
money - pénz
secret - titok
share - ossza meg
should - kellene
skies - égbolt
smoke - füst
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