Daddy I've been thinkin' about you lately
Mama's never here and step daddy hates me
He drinks a lot, it makes him so mean
Mama always screams and it gives me bad dreams
Today I dropped my bowl of s'ghetti on the floor
I didn't mean to make a mess, I tripped on one of my toys
I tried to clean it up, really I tried
But I just made it worse so I went to my room to hide
I knew if Benny saw it I'd be in so much trouble
I didn't want to, but I did
And the thought of gettin' hit
Scared me so I didn't tell him
Benny saw it, he took off his belt and
You know, he hit me with it
Then he pushed my face in to the carpet where the s'ghetti spilted
But I forgive him though
I love you daddy, I guess I gotta go
There's a moth on my window seal
And it came to die alone
Through the pain of the pouring rain
I gaze into the storm
And I imagine I'm the son of a man
Who will hold me close and near
With these bruises on my face I cry while I pray
To disappear (disappear)
To disappear (disappear)
To disappear (disappear)
world - világ
while - míg
where - ahol
weeping - síró
waste - hulladék
tried - megpróbálta
thought - gondolat
though - bár
sways - leng
willow - fűzfa
storm - vihar
somebody - valaki
should - kellene
would - lenne
screams - sikolyok
tough - kemény
there - ott
school - iskola
scared - megrémült
really - igazán
sleep - alvás
pushed - meglökött
probably - valószínűleg
pouring - öntés
peace - béke
stars - csillagok
never - soha
naked - meztelen
maybe - talán
crazy - őrült
window - ablak
carpet - szőnyeg
alone - egyedül
missed - nem fogadott
build - épít
inside - belül
working - dolgozó
close - bezárás
could - tudott
patient - beteg
friends - barátok
always - mindig
breathe - lélegzik
makes - gyártmányú
about - ról ről
trouble - baj
disappear - eltűnik
again - újra
carpentry - ácsmesterség
angel - angyal
because - mert
christ - Krisztus
child - gyermek
clean - tiszta
benny - Benny
believe - hinni
through - keresztül
check - jelölje be
dreams - álmok
gives - ad
breeze - szellő
heart - szív
bruises - zúzódások
drinks - italok
dropped - leesett
worse - rosszabb
embarrassed - zavart
tripped - kioldott
enslaved - leigázott
tomorrow - holnap
today - ma
second - második
daddy - apu
hates - hates
float - úszó
floor - padló
somewhere - valahol
forgive - megbocsát
guidance - tanácsadás
front - elülső
these - ezek
gotta - kell
guess - találd ki
lately - utóbbi időben
imagine - képzeld el
heavens - egek
house - ház
right - jobb
lights - lámpák
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