What is this I feel about you?
Hoping not to make it an issue
I don't wanna be nice at all
You're only causing trouble,
Are you can stay if you want to
And being in love with you seems like a really bad idea
But when I'm not with you I'm wishin I could have you nearer
Please do not allow me to miss you
I'm tryin my best to keep my distance
I don't wanna give you my heart
But it seems to like you a lot
wrong - rossz
trying - megpróbálja
trust - bizalom
through - keresztül
think - gondol
seems - Úgy tűnik,
trouble - baj
really - igazán
crash - csattanás
wishin - wishin
never - soha
could - tudott
distance - távolság
causing - okozó
break - szünet
again - újra
being - lény
issue - probléma
allow - lehetővé teszi
pieces - darabok
wanna - akarok
before - előtt
about - ról ről
nearer - közelebb
smart - okos
enough - elég
falling - eső
waves - hullámok
gonna - fog
tryin - próbál
heart - szív
hoping - remélve
laughs - Nevet
million - millió
please - kérem
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