It must have been the way that she kissed me,
made me as weak as a lamb.
Tastes so fine like french silk pie,
sweet as strawberry jam.
It could have been the thing that she told me,
when she threw her wrench at my monkey.
Shoulda been a cool scene,
Like honey on a ripped queen.
wrench - csavarkulcs
thing - dolog
haute - haute
honey - édesem
monkey - majom
could - tudott
french - francia
kissed - megcsókolta
couture - couture
force - erő
jumped - ugrott
window - ablak
before - előtt
goose - liba
dream - álom
loose - laza
tastes - ízek
threw - dobta
thought - gondolat
majeure - maior
shoulda - Lehetne
ripped - szakadt
queen - királynő
scene - színhely
smiled - Mosolygott
strawberry - eper
sweet - édes
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