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A csúszka segítségével szerkesztheti a videoklip kezdetét és végét
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Tanulás elkezdése
three point nine four GPA.
Emerging Ancillary Markets in
the Global Wireless Revolution.
I bet that's quite a read.
We're actually looking
to beef up our Tech Practice
but then you probably
already knew that.
So, Katherine Burke, who are you?
Where do you come from?
I grew up
in the middle of nowhere.
The birthplace of Wendell Willkie is
20 miles away, and that's about it.
My mom works in a bottling plant
and sells Nutra-Life products
and my dad left
when I was little.
I never really knew him.
Tell us about a problem
you've encountered.
My guidance counselor tried to keep
me from applying to good schools.
I thought she was my friend.
She said she understood me and that
I would be happier
staying close to home--
junior college
or secretarial school.
She hated me.
What action did you take?
I invited a senator who attended
college here to speak at our school.
And what was the result?
I got a strong letter
of recommendation
from a U.S. Senator,
was accepted early decision
and they gave me
lots of financial aid.
And what did you learn
from this experience?
- Truthfully?
- Of course.
Mrs. Castleman
was a sneaky bitch.
It was the first time I was
betrayed by someone I trusted.
I looked up to her.
I didn't come close to understanding
the depth to which she resented me.
I learned that people who help me,
who invest in me become my partners
and my success is their success
that relationships
are symbiotic.
I learned responsibility
based on others' faith in me.
I hope to be able to pay some
dividends to those investors.
How many pennies do you think it
would take to fill this room?
With or without us in it?
would - lenne
wireless - drótnélküli
looking - keres
little - kicsit
letter - levél
looked - nézett
katherine - Katherine
investors - befektetőknek
happier - boldogabb
birthplace - születési hely
recommendation - ajánlást
schools - iskolákban
invest - befektet
global - globális
bitch - kurva
sells - értékesít
experience - tapasztalat
dividends - osztalék
betrayed - elárulták
early - korai
wendell - Wendell
attended - részt vett
junior - beosztott
invited - meghívott
sneaky - szolgai
encountered - találkozott
products - termékek
first - első
become - válik
friend - barát
ancillary - kisegítő
responsibility - felelősség
works - művek
decision - döntés
point - pont
already - már
about - ról ről
accepted - elfogadott
quite - egészen
close - bezárás
understood - megértett
emerging - feltörekvő
castleman - ترك شيئا لشخص ما
bottling - palackozás
burke - elfojt
guidance - tanácsadás
tried - megpróbálta
counselor - tanácsadó
faith - hit
applying - alkalmazó
learned - tanult
course - tanfolyam
never - soha
people - emberek
financial - pénzügyi
depth - mélység
markets - piacok
middle - középső
miles - mérföld
someone - valaki
nowhere - most itt
secretarial - titkári
thought - gondolat
where - ahol
nutra - nutra
based - székhelyű
hated - gyűlölt
partners - partnerek
pennies - fillérekért
plant - növény
college - főiskola
problem - probléma
probably - valószínűleg
really - igazán
relationships - kapcsolatok
actually - tulajdonképpen
revolution - forradalom
school - iskola
speak - beszél
staying - tartózkodás
learn - tanul
strong - erős
success - siker
their - azok
practice - gyakorlat
resented - nehezményezték
those - azok
result - eredmény
three - három
action - akció
symbiotic - szimbiotikus
thesis - tézis
think - gondol
senator - szenátor
trusted - megbízható
without - nélkül
truthfully - őszintén
understanding - megértés
which - melyik
willkie - willkie
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