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Tanulás elkezdése
Okay. l know it was difficult
for you to come in here, hat in hand.
That's not the kind
of upbringing,
I guess, is the word
I'm looking for.
It's not the kind of man
you are. I understand that.
I'm not looking to humiliate you
or exact a price in any way,
so why don't you
just apologize?
We'll call it water under the dam, and we'll go
about our business.
Excuse me,
what the fuck?
- What?
- What the fuck are you talking about?
Clair George said you
were coming in here to apologize.
No, I'm supposed to come
in here so you could apologize to me.
- According to whom?
- Clair George.
You told me to go fuck myself.
I'm supposed to apologize to you?
Also, water goes over
a dam and under a bridge, you poncy schoolboy.
Clearly there's been a miscommunication
between Clair George and somebody.
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
- Does this look all right?
- It's fine.
I, I don't know. I have no fucking idea
who this guy is.
He is here to fix the glass
that you broke the last time you were here.
Could you just excuse us
for a second there?
You tell me to go
fuck myself
and I'm supposed to apologize?
You break my window,
- I'm supposed to apologize?
- The Helsinki job was mine!
The Helsinki job was not
yours. If it was yours, you'd be in Helsinki.
Alan Wolfe stood in this office!
Alan Wolfe is no longer the Director
of European Operations.
He does not make
those appointments. I do.
- Promises were made.
- Not by me.
I've been with
the company for 24 years.
I was posted
in Greece for 15.
Papandreou wins that election
if I don't help the junta take him prisoner.
I've advised and armed
the Hellenic army.
I've neutralized
champions of Communism.
I've spent the past
three years learning Finnish!
Which should come in handy
here in Virginia!
And I'm never
ever, sick at sea.
So I want to know why I'm not gonna be
your Helsinki station chief.
- You're coarse.
- Excuse me?
For Helsinki, I need someone
with diplomatic skills.
- You don't have them.
- Is that right?
That is right. And I don't know why the hell
I didn't fire you
when you broke
my fucking window!
Yes, sure
you do, Cravely.
Look, Gust...
Yeah, you're fucking Roger's fiancee.
and you know I know.
I'm not... I'm not, I'm not even
gonna dignify that with a response.
Yeah, yeah, you're
dignifying her in the ass
at the Jefferson Hotel,
room 1210.
Let me ask you.
The 3,000 agents Turner fired
was that because they lacked
diplomatic skills as well?
You're referring
to Admiral Stansfield Turner?
Yeah, the 3,000 agents.
Each and every goddamn one
of them first or second generation Americans.
ls that because they lack
the proper diplomatic skills?
Or did Turner not think it was a good idea
to have spies
who could speak the same language as the people
they're fucking spying on?
Well, I'm sorry, but you can hardly
blame the Director
for questioning the
loyalty to America of people
that are just barely Americans
in the first place.
Yeah, well, I'd like to
take a moment
to review the several ways in which
you're a douchebag.
- Get the fuck out of my office!
- Yes, sir.
- Before I end your career, asshole.
- Yes, sir!
Yeah, my friend, I'm gonna need
you for a second.
God damn it!
My loyalty?
For 24 years, people have been
trying to kill me.
People who know how.
Now, do you think that's because my dad was
a Greek soda pop maker
or do you think that's
because I'm an American spy?
Go fuck yourself,
you fucking child.
How was I?
years - évek
wolfe - Wolfe
window - ablak
which - melyik
under - alatt
turner - esztergályos
trying - megpróbálja
three - három
there - ott
supposed - feltételezett
stood - állt
station - állomás
spying - kémkedés
sorry - sajnálom
someone - valaki
should - kellene
several - számos
because - mert
those - azok
myself - magamat
spies - kémek
european - európai
skills - szakértelem
election - választás
excuse - mentség
diplomatic - diplomáciai
handy - ügyes
hotel - szálloda
proper - megfelelő
somebody - valaki
difficult - nehéz
cravely - cravely
greece - Görögország
communism - kommunizmus
according - szerint
dignify - megtisztel
goddamn - átkozott
clair - clair
finnish - finn
fiancee - menyasszony
blame - feddés
child - gyermek
could - tudott
right - jobb
moment - pillanat
agents - szerek
exact - pontos
champions - bajnokok
speak - beszél
career - karrier
director - rendező
apologize - bocsánatot kér
american - amerikai
douchebag - douchebag
coarse - durva
advised - tanácsos
americans - amerikaiak
bridge - híd
america - Amerika
lacked - hiányzott
break - szünet
about - ról ről
clearly - tisztán
junta - junta
admiral - admirális
second - második
chief - fő
asshole - seggfej
barely - alig
armed - fegyveres
talking - beszél
humiliate - megaláz
stansfield - stansfield
before - előtt
water - víz
between - között
appointments - kinevezések
every - minden
helsinki - Helsinki
review - felülvizsgálat
first - első
friend - barát
fucking - kibaszott
generation - generáció
loyalty - hűség
yourself - saját magad
virginia - virginia
miscommunication - félreértés
george - György
coming - eljövetel
business - üzleti
glass - üveg
gonna - fog
greek - görög
upbringing - nevelés
think - gondol
dignifying - dignifying
promises - ígér
looking - keres
maker - készítő
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