Tanulj igazi angolt filmekből és könyvekből!
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Tanulás elkezdése
My name is
Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev.
I've come to take things in hand here.
This city is not Kursk,
nor is it Kiev, nor Minsk.
This city is Stalingrad.
This city bears the
name of the boss.
It's more than a
city, it's a symbol.
If the Germans capture this city,
the entire country will collapse.
Now, I want our boys
to raise their heads.
I want them to act like they have balls.
I want them to stop shitting their pants.
That's your job.
As political officers,
I'm counting on you.
You, what's your suggestion?
Shoot all the other
generals who have retreated
and their chiefs of staff, too.
Make some examples.
Deport the families of the...
Give them hope.
Here, the men's only choice
is between German bullets and ours.
But there's another way,
a way of courage.
A way of love of the motherland.
We must publish the army newspaper
again, we must tell magnificent stories,
stories that exalt sacrifice, bravery.
We must make them believe
in a victory.
We must give them hope, pride,
a desire to fight.
Yes. We need to make examples,
but examples to follow.
their - azok
suggestion - javaslat
stories - történetek
fight - harc
deport - deportál
entire - teljes
choice - választás
examples - példák
shitting - szarozom
heads - fejek
desire - vágy
another - egy másik
balls - golyó
families - családok
again - újra
bravery - bátorság
symbol - szimbólum
chiefs - főnökök
victory - győzelem
things - dolgok
follow - kövesse
publish - közzétesz
country - ország
exalt - felemel
believe - hinni
pride - büszkeség
staff - személyzet
counting - számolás
between - között
stalingrad - stalingrad
generals - tábornokok
pants - nadrág
bullets - golyók
courage - bátorság
german - német
germans - németek
khrushchev - hruscsov
kursk - kurszk
officers - tisztek
minsk - Minszk
raise - emel
motherland - haza
newspaper - újság
nikita - nikita
capture - elfog
sergeyevich - szergejevics
other - más
retreated - visszavonult
magnificent - káprázatos
political - politikai
collapse - összeomlás
bears - medve
shoot - lő
sacrifice - áldozat
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