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Tanulás elkezdése
I was actually just about to come
talk to you... about New York.
There a problem?
I'm so grateful
for the opportunity, Jack,
but with such short notice, I
made plans that I can't change.
But I will have my phone
on me all weekend.
So if you need anything,
I'm available.
Ana, have a seat.
I'm really... I'm sorry.
I think you have
tremendous potential here.
But I don't wanna waste my time
training someone who doesn't
take this position seriously.
I do.
This is my dream job.
Then shouldn't going to New York and
the book expo be part of that dream?
It is.
It was just a misunderstanding.
It won't happen again.
Because there are plenty of qualified
people who would kill for this job.
I mean, look, I don't wanna brag,
but I'm a pretty great teacher.
I'm sure you are.
I'm just not seeing the
initiative on your side of it.
I've read more than
you've asked me to.
I'm talking about
going the extra mile.
Unless you want me to
compete with Christian Grey
for your attention.
I apologize that Christian was so
curt with you the other night.
Is that what this is about?
Your boyfriend has a reputation
for being a little ruthless.
Is that what you like?
If you have a problem with my work,
then you should take it up with HR.
Why are you being so serious?
What do you think I'm gonna do'?
Make you fuck me?
I just think...
if you're gonna fuck
your way to prominence,
then you should do it with someone
who can at least make you smarter.
Not just richer. Right?
Look, this is a serious,
serious question.
Do you wanna be kept
or taken seriously?
I would like to leave,
please, Jack.
I can make you come
like nobody else has.
Not him.
- Not anyone.
- No.
weekend - hétvége
waste - hulladék
wanna - akarok
think - gondol
someone - valaki
smarter - intelligensebb
should - kellene
seriously - komolyan
serious - súlyos
ruthless - könyörtelen
right - jobb
richer - gazdagabb
qualified - képzett
great - nagy
position - pozíció
gonna - fog
going - haladó
extra - külön-
dream - álom
tremendous - borzasztó
anyone - bárki
being - lény
christian - keresztény
seeing - látás
anything - bármi
happen - történik
actually - tulajdonképpen
available - elérhető
please - kérem
compete - versenyez
taken - tett
reputation - hírnév
talking - beszél
other - más
about - ról ről
potential - lehetséges
there - ott
short - rövid
question - kérdés
problem - probléma
asked - kérdezte
teacher - tanár
boyfriend - fiú barát
notice - értesítés
attention - figyelem
really - igazán
because - mert
leave - szabadság
sorry - sajnálom
initiative - kezdeményezés
misunderstanding - félreértés
would - lenne
nobody - senki
least - legkevésbé
grateful - hálás
little - kicsit
people - emberek
change - változás
night - éjszaka
training - kiképzés
opportunity - lehetőség
pretty - szép
phone - telefon
plans - tervek
plenty - bőven
unless - hacsak
apologize - bocsánatot kér
again - újra
prominence - kiemelkedés
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