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Hamlet - To Be or Not To Be (Hu)

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    Tanulás elkezdése

    Kategória: Movie Scenes
    videó forgatókönyv
    tanulmányozandó szavak

    To be or not to be,
    that is the question.

    Whether it is nobler in
    the mind

    to suffer the slings and arrows of
    outrageous fortune...

    or to take arms against a sea of
    troubles and by opposing, end them.

    To die... to sleep...

    no more...

    and by a sleep to say we end

    the flesh is heir to.

    It is a consummation devoutly
    to be wished.

    To die, to sleep...
    a chance to dream.

    There's the rub...

    for in that sleep of death
    what dreams may come...

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