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Tanulás elkezdése
Wow. Hey, are we at a
funeral right now?
Oh, wait, no, it's your bed.
So creepy and cool.
Wow! I know her!
I've seen that picture
at the ruins of Lubov.
That's my favorite castle.
There's a whole legend
around that lady.
A legend?
The Lady Lubov.
The story is that a lonely
count met her by chance
and they say that no two souls were
ever more meant for each other.
Eventually, they settled down at
Castle Lubov and had a child.
But then, a horrible
tragedy happened.
A fire started mysteriously one
night, and it killed both of them.
When I was at the castle, I could
still feel their powerful love.
They say it's as if a soul is still
trapped in the ruins themselves.
The legend is wrong.
It was only the wife that died.
And it was no mystery
who killed her.
She was killed by your kind!
- Honey?
- Go hide. I'll take care of this.
They are the real monsters.
I built this place for my
love, to protect her child.
As a father, you do everything
to keep your family safe,
even if you have
to break their trust.
But now, Mavis has
feelings for you.
What? I...
I just...
- Awesome.
- It's all right.
You are a good one.
If the world was different,
maybe it would be possible.
Drac, this is the 21st century.
People aren't the same
as they were back then.
Can you tell me for certain that
if we came out in the open,
everyone would accept us?
wrong - rossz
would - lenne
world - világ
whole - egész
themselves - maguk
their - azok
story - sztori
still - még mindig
family - család
other - más
castle - kastély
creepy - hátborzongató
souls - lelkek
break - szünet
could - tudott
started - indult
people - emberek
accept - elfogad
favorite - kedvenc
funeral - temetés
feelings - érzések
awesome - fantasztikus
lonely - magányos
around - körül
different - különböző
built - épült
monsters - szörnyek
night - éjszaka
certain - bizonyos
century - század
father - apa
everything - minden
horrible - szörnyű
count - számol
chance - véletlen
trapped - csapdába
child - gyermek
mysteriously - rejtélyesen
happened - történt
killed - elesett
legend - legenda
trust - bizalom
powerful - erős
lubov - lubov
tragedy - tragédia
right - jobb
everyone - mindenki
mavis - énekes rigó
meant - jelentett
maybe - talán
mystery - rejtély
picture - kép
honey - édesem
place - hely
eventually - végül is
possible - lehetséges
protect - véd
ruins - romok
settled - állandó
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