Tanulj igazi angolt filmekből és könyvekből!
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Tanulás elkezdése
My name is
Lieutenant Aldo Raine.
And I'm putting together a special
team, and I need me eight soldiers.
Eight Jewish
American soldiers.
Now, you all might've heard rumors
about the armada happening soon.
Well, we'll be leaving
a little earlier.
We're going to be dropped into
France dressed as civilians.
Once we're
in enemy territory,
as a bushwhacking
guerrilla army,
we're going to be doing one
thing and one thing only.
Killing Nazis.
I don't know
about you all, but...
I sure as hell didn't come down
from the goddamn Smoky Mountains,
cross 5 thousand miles of water,
fight my way through half of Sicily
and jump out of a fucking airplane to
teach the Nazis lessons in humanity.
Nazi ain't got no humanity.
They're the foot soldiers of a
Jew-hating, mass-murdering maniac
and they need
to be destroyed.
That's why any and every son of a
bitch we find wearing a Nazi uniform,
they're going to die.
Now, I'm the direct descendent
of the mountain man Jim Bridger.
That means I got
a little Indian in me.
And our battle plan will be
that of an Apache resistance.
We will be cruel
to the Germans.
And through our cruelty,
they will know who we are.
And they will find
the evidence of our cruelty
in the disemboweled,
and disfigured bodies of their
brothers we leave behind us.
And the German won't be able
to help themselves
but imagine the cruelty their
brothers endured at our hands,
and our boot heels
and the edge of our knives.
And the German
will be sickened by us.
And the German
will talk about us.
And the German
will fear us.
And when the German
closes their eyes at night
and they're tortured by their
subconscious for the evil they have done,
it will be with thoughts of us
that they are tortured with.
- Sound good?
- Yes, sir!
That's what I like to hear.
But I got a word of warning
for all you would-be warriors.
When you join my command,
you take on debit.
A debit you owe me,
Each and every man under my
command owes me 100 Nazi scalps.
And I want my scalps.
And all y'all will get me 100 Nazi scalps
taken from the heads of 100 dead Nazis.
Or you will die trying!
would - lenne
water - víz
guerrilla - gerilla
heads - fejek
cruel - kegyetlen
killing - gyilkolás
evidence - bizonyíték
together - együtt
enemy - ellenség
endured - elviselt
doing - csinál
apache - apache
happening - esemény
bridger - bridger
france - Franciaország
night - éjszaka
smoky - füstös
goddamn - átkozott
warriors - harcosok
destroyed - elpusztított
battle - csata
eight - nyolc
armada - armada
warning - figyelem
hands - kezek
bodies - testületek
scalps - fejbőrre
knives - kések
germans - németek
dropped - leesett
maniac - mániás
every - minden
cross - kereszt
command - parancs
descendent - leszármazottja
dismembered - megcsonkított
lieutenant - hadnagy
sickened - megbetegedtek
territory - terület
about - ról ről
going - haladó
earlier - korábban
little - kicsit
dressed - öltözött
through - keresztül
american - amerikai
closes - záródik
fucking - kibaszott
disfigured - eltorzított
humanity - emberiség
putting - elhelyezés
behind - mögött
bushwhacking - bushwhacking
bitch - kurva
civilians - civilek
leaving - kilépő
subconscious - tudatalatti
airplane - repülőgép
debit - tartozás
german - német
sound - hang
disemboweled - kibelezett
thousand - ezer
heard - hallott
cruelty - kegyetlenség
heels - sarok
rumors - pletykák
imagine - képzeld el
indian - indián
uniform - egyenruha
hating - gyűlöli
jewish - zsidó
leave - szabadság
raine - raine
lessons - tanulságok
miles - mérföld
teach - tanít
fight - harc
means - eszközök
mountain - hegy
murdering - meggyilkolása
nazis - nazis
direct - közvetlen
tortured - megkínzott
personally - személyesen
resistance - ellenállás
sicily - Szicília
wearing - fárasztó
soldiers - katonák
thing - dolog
special - különleges
taken - tett
mountains - hegyek
their - azok
brothers - testvérek
themselves - maguk
thoughts - gondolatok
trying - megpróbálja
under - alatt
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