Tanulj igazi angolt filmekből és könyvekből!
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Tanulás elkezdése
Obviously, I overestimated you two.
You are nothing but a baby and a bully.
You know what? No, okay?
We're smart, and we're strong,
and we're best friends, and we love and respect each other.
And you know what you are, Claire Luna?
You're a lying, manipulative, conniving, backstabbing,
bucktoothed, Jessica Rabbit-looking motherfucker!
Ooh, that is good.
You surprised me with the whole teeth thing,
'cause they are looking crazy. But keep going.
And you know what else you have? You have Blue Waffles.
She has Blue Waffles! This bitch here!
- No, I don't! - She does.
- No! - And you are not fierst!
And now it's our time to celebrate. Come on.
- Now. Hey! - Who feels like feeling good?
- What do you think you're doing? - Feeling good...
One, two, three, four!
Left a good job In the city
Working for the man Every night and day
And I never lost One minute of sleeping
Worrying ‘bout the way Things might have been
♪ Big wheels keep on turning ♪
♪ Proud Mary keep on burning ♪
And we're rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'
♪ Rollin' on the river ♪
They're amazing!
Great. You get to watch me take their name
and make one billion dollars with it, and you'll get nothing.
I don't need anything.
And technically, they still own 49% of Mia & Mel.
So you'll have to pay them $490 million.
♪ We're rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'
♪ Rollin' on the river ♪
♪ Come on ♪
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
working - dolgozó
waffles - gofri
turning - fordítás
think - gondol
things - dolgok
feels - érzi
rabbit - nyúl
going - haladó
feeling - érzés
dollars - dollár
crazy - őrült
doing - csinál
billion - milliárd, ezermillió
sleeping - alvás
wheels - kerekek
might - esetleg
backstabbing - backstabbing
still - még mindig
claire - Claire
bully - terrorizál
great - nagy
every - minden
never - soha
amazing - elképesztő
other - más
looking - keres
whole - egész
bitch - kurva
anything - bármi
celebrate - ünnepel
three - három
conniving - conniving
their - azok
bucktoothed - bucktoothed
friends - barátok
burning - égő
lying - fekvő
manipulative - manipulatív
strong - erős
minute - perc
motherfucker - köcsög
jessica - jessica
obviously - magától értetődően
thing - dolog
nothing - semmi
overestimated - haz klişe en una palabra o selecciona una expresión para ver la traducción
proud - büszke
million - millió
respect - tisztelet
river - folyó
smart - okos
surprised - meglepődött
worrying - aggasztó
watch - néz
technically - Technikailag
night - éjszaka
teeth - fogak
Kattints egy szóra vagy jelölj ki egy mondatot, hogy lásd a fordítást.
Kattints a "plus"-ra, hogy hozzáadj egy szót/mondatot a tanulandókhoz!
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