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Tanulás elkezdése
Oh, my god.It's her dream come true,
Diving into a big pile of girls.
Okay, yeah, I...
I've got an apology.
So I have this friend
who is a new student this year.
And I convinced her that
it would be fun
To mess up Regina George's life.
So I had her pretend
to be friends with Regina,
And then she would come
to my house after
We'd just laugh about
all the dumb stuff Regina said.
And we gave her
these candy bar things
That would make her gain weight,
And we turned her best friends
against her.
And then-- oh, yeah, cady--
you know my friend cady.
She made out
with Regina's boyfriend
And then convinced him
to break up with her.
Oh, god, and we... we gave you
foot cream instead of face wash.
I am so sorry, Regina.
Really, I... I don't know
why I did it.
I guess it's probably because I've
got a big lesbian crush on you.
Suck on that!
Regina, wait! I didn't mean
for that to happen.
To find out that everyone hates me?
I don't care.
Regina, please!
Regina, stop!
Do you know what
everyone says about you?
They say that you're
a home-schooled jungle freak,
Who's a less-hot version of me.
Yeah. So don't try to act
so innocent.
You can take that fake apology
And shove it right up
your hairy--
And that's how Regina George
No, I'm totally kidding.
But she did get hurt.
Some girls say they saw her
head go all the way around.
But that's just a rumor.
Some people swear they saw me
push her in front of the bus.
That was an even worse rumor.
would - lenne
version - változat
totally - teljesen
front - elülső
worse - rosszabb
around - körül
instead - helyette
friends - barátok
dream - álom
friend - barát
stuff - dolog
guess - találd ki
break - szünet
crush - szétzúz
diving - búvárkodás
regina - Regina
apology - bocsánatkérés
after - után
rumor - szóbeszéd
freak - szörnyszülött
things - dolgok
people - emberek
against - ellen
about - ról ről
candy - cukorka
boyfriend - fiú barát
cream - krém
hates - hates
turned - fordult
girls - lányok
these - ezek
hairy - szőrös
happen - történik
house - ház
jungle - dzsungel
kidding - viccel
laugh - nevetés
lesbian - leszbikus
please - kérem
because - mert
pretend - színlel
probably - valószínűleg
everyone - mindenki
swear - esküszik
convinced - meggyőződéses
george - György
really - igazán
student - diák
innocent - ártatlan
right - jobb
schooled - iskolázott
weight - súly
sorry - sajnálom
shove - lök
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