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Tanulás elkezdése
- Why don't you let the boy defend himself?
- And in the second place...
this rocket proves nothing.
You've already admitted having lost
a number of your rockets.
You cannot prove conclusively that
another one of them didn't start that fire.
Yes, I can.
Are we to conclude, Mr. Hickam,
that since leaving school,
you've not only become
an expert in rocket science,
but in the field
of trigonometry?
- I didn't say that...
- Obviously, you learned more...
in the coal mines
than you did in high school.
Let the boy talk.
Go ahead, Homer.
And that fire was near Welch, just
under three miles from our launchpad.
And at the time of the fire, the best
that we could do was one point two miles.
which is exactly where we found
that rocket, Mr. Turner.
See, Mr. Turner, that rocket
fell for about fourteen seconds,
which means that it flew to an altitude
of three thousand feet
according to the equation,
"S" equals one-half "A", "T" squared
where "S" is the altitude,
"A" is the gravity constant thirty two
and "T" is the time it took
for that rocket to come back down.
- Velocity equals...
- Get him... get him.
Are you following this,
Mr. Turner?
All right,
we're all duly impressed.
But do you mind telling me, if you
did not start that fire, who did?
What is it?
Whatever it is, it's ingenious.
The fins are spring-loaded.
That isn't a rocket
at all.
It's an aeronautical flare.
There's an airport here in Welch,
right above where the fire started.
Mr. Hickam, report to my office
as soon as we return to school.
You do intend to enter the
county science fair, do you not?
Yes, sir, we do.
Well, if you intend
to represent Big Creek,
you're gonna have to be enrolled
as a student at Big Creek.
where - ahol
welch - rászed
velocity - sebesség
under - alatt
turner - esztergályos
trigonometry - trigonometria
whatever - tök mindegy
three - három
telling - sokatmondó
student - diák
spring - tavaszi
second - második
school - iskola
rockets - rakéták
rocket - rakéta
right - jobb
report - jelentés
proves - bizonyul
prove - bizonyít
point - pont
represent - képvisel
obviously - magától értetődően
number - szám
nothing - semmi
ahead - előre
having - amelynek
conclusively - meggyőzően
himself - saját maga
prodigenous - prodigenous
found - talál
enter - belép
learned - tanult
according - szerint
return - visszatérés
ingenious - ügyes
already - már
thirty - harminc
science - tudomány
means - eszközök
start - rajt
equals - egyenlő
cannot - nem tud
following - következő
become - válik
conclude - következtetést levonni
field - mező
seconds - másodperc
admitted - felvételt nyer
airport - repülőtér
exactly - pontosan
enrolled - beiratkozott
equation - egyenlet
about - ról ről
place - hely
office - hivatal
another - egy másik
started - indult
mines - bányák
aeronautical - légiforgalmi
altitude - magasság
squared - négyzetes
county - megye
which - melyik
constant - állandó
expert - szakértő
miles - mérföld
flare - fellobbanás
defend - megvédeni
launchpad - indítóállás
creek - patak
gonna - fog
hickam -
gravity - súly
above - felett
loaded - töltött
since - mivel
could - tudott
homer - Homérosz
thousand - ezer
impressed - lenyűgözött
fourteen - tizennégy
intend - szándékozik
leaving - kilépő
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