Aprenda inglês de verdade com filmes e livros.
Adicione palavras ou frases para aprender e pratique com outros estudantes.
I can tocanbe able to play the drums quite well because I practice everyday
When I was 10 years old I cancouldable to climb trees but now I can’t
I can’tcouldn’tcan drive because I don’t have a license yet
I couldwas able tocouldn’t understand Maths when I went to school I was always getting the numbers wrong
She cannotmanage tocan speak 5 languages really well!
He are able toable tois able to install software in any computer you give him
In the future we will be ablecanbe able to go on holiday to the Moon
They were able toweren’t able towasn’t able to download music easily in the early 1990’s
I am ableam able tobe able to sing and dance at the same time when Jazz is playing
My Grandma could visitcouldn’t be visitedcouldn’t visit Asia when she was 21 because it was too expensive
I was canam able towas able to read quite well when I was three
He couldwas able towasn’t able to dress himself when he was growing up, his Mum did it for him
I manage tomanaged toam managed to climb many big mountains last year- it was difficult but a great experience
The company was able toable tois able to offer you a discount this week but not next week
Able heIs he ableCan he to play the guitar?
Can youAble you toCan you to understand this grammar?
He manages to bemanage to bemanages to clever and stupid at the same time which isn’t easy
Were you ableAre you ableCould you to drink alcohol on the streets 20 years ago?
CouldAbleCan you cook fish when you were at University?
After this accident I don’t think he was be able towill be able towill can work with animals again
How you managed toare you manage todo you manage to look after three children and work at the same time?
I don’t manage towas able todidn’t manage to speak other languages properly it’s difficult for me!
We manage tomanaged todidn’t manage to get the last ticket for the show - I’m so happy!
She able toisn’t able toaren’t able to come today because she has a yoga class
Did you able tocanmanage to finish all your homework last night?
I can’tcouldn’tcould understand the ideas in the novel when I was 18 but now I can