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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Marriage Bureau Rendezvous - 10cc

Marriage Bureau Rendezvous - 10cc

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Well I've been lookin' after number one for too long

And it seemed the love was passing me by

So I thought I better do something about it

And that's why I'm sittin' here lookin' cross the table at you

That's why I'm sittin' here lookin' cross the table at you

Well a lonely man needs a Marriage Bureau

Where they sit you right down and you fill in a form

Would you like a blonde or a black or a blue rinse

Do you like 'em small, love 'em slim long and tall

Do you like 'em small, love 'em slim long and tall

Oh no, too many questions

I'm looking for a girl like Momma used to be

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