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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Kiss Me Kiss Me - 5 Seconds of Summer

Kiss Me Kiss Me - 5 Seconds of Summer

Letras de músicas
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Heres to teenage memories


Can I call wake you up on a Sunday?

Late night I think we need to get away

Headlights hold tight turn the radio loud

(turn the radio loud)

Let me know where to go and Ill get you there

Tell the truth and Ill show you how to dare

Flash lights held tight we can own this town

Never say goodbye


So kiss me kiss me kiss me

And tell me that Ill see you again

Cause I dont know if I can let you go

So kiss me kiss me kiss me

Im dying just to see you again

Lets make tonight the best of our lives


Heres to teenage memories

Heres to teenage memories

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