An old man is proud
But behind his modest smile lies the grief
Only one picture of his brave son remains
It seems that the vicious circle can never be broken through
The hopeful ones gathered their strength to achieve the apparent impossible
But all plans seem to be in vain
As a soldier of Allah he's an example
For the others on his bloody way to immortality
It seems that the vicious circle can never be broken through
Because old wounds are reopened every time
This Intifada as a device to thwart the peace negotiations
wounds - feridas
undermine - minar
tolerate - tolerar
thwart - thwart
those - essa
their - deles
vicious - vicioso
hereafter - a seguir
circle - círculo
through - através
heaven - céu
others - outras
allah - allah
brave - bravo
hands - mãos
smile - sorrir
start - começar
never - nunca
broken - partido
agreement - acordo
behind - atrás
reward - recompensa
apparent - aparente
example - exemplo
awaits - Aguarda
bloody - sangrento
blood - sangue
strength - força
actions - ações
attack - ataque
device - dispositivo
every - cada
because - porque
hopeful - esperançoso
immortality - imortalidade
impossible - impossível
mercy - misericórdia
gathered - coletado
modest - modesto
negotiations - negociações
picture - cenário
peace - paz
hesitate - hesite
remains - permanece
achieve - alcançar
paradise - paraíso
plans - planos
grief - tristeza
proud - orgulhoso
eternal - eterno
reopened - reaberto
seems - parece
soldier - soldado
suffer - sofra
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