This is the place where nobody comes from
Perfect strangers in this desert town
Just out of flame and looking for favours
Hungry players when the deals go down
You get a hollow heart from shallow breathing
And a see-through smile like the ones on T.V.
This is the land of thrills and money where you
Hit the edge and you drift out to sea
It seems so real, looks so good
But you'd give it all up and you'd start again if you thought you could
And it sounds so sweet, feels so right
But it leaves you cold in the middle of the night
Step right up, lay your money down
If you're looking to buy love in the big town
Lift you up, tear you down
waiters - garçons
thrills - emoções
thought - pensamento
those - essa
where - onde
tastes - gostos
sweet - doce
heart - coração
faith - fé
street - rua
begging - implorando
flame - chama
breathing - respiração
fantasize - fantasiar
drift - deriva
desert - deserto
desperation - desespero
again - novamente
faces - rostos
hollow - oco
favours - favores
believe - acreditam
night - noite
works - trabalho
angel - anjo
mystics - místicos
control - ao controle
right - certo
leaves - sai
strangers - estranhos
flicker - cintilação
shallow - raso
looks - parece
could - poderia
feels - sente
deals - promoções
leave - sair
slowly - lentamente
learn - aprender
hungry - com fome
looking - olhando
seems - parece
perfect - perfeito
middle - meio
comes - vem
smile - sorrir
cowboy - vaqueiro
start - começar
money - dinheiro
nobody - ninguém
nothing - nada
persuasion - persuasão
place - lugar, colocar
players - jogadoras
really - realmente
through - através
sounds - soa
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