Under the sea, there‘s a colony of bees

And a man called Fred who will shoot you dead

If you try to steal from his apiary sealed

With magic spells at the gate to hell

He‘ll kill you in your sleep

If you so much as take a single peek

Set sail across the waves

Where we will stop no man can say

The alcohol stores are running low

So into the deep blue yonder go

Set sail across the waves

Where we will stop no man can say

We‘ll end our quest by following the smell

yonder - lá
where - onde
waves - ondas
under - sob
there - há
steal - roubar
smell - cheiro
sleep - dormir
stores - lojas
shoot - atirar
sealed - selado
single - solteiro
brews - cervejas
following - segue
spells - feitiços
search - pesquisa
booze - bebidas alcoólicas
blind - cego
called - chamado
makes - faz com que
weeds - ervas daninhas
alcoholic - alcoólico
proof - prova
alcohol - álcool
colony - colônia
magic - magia
across - através
through - através
probably - provavelmente
found - encontrado
assuming - assumindo
infernal - infernal
leads - conduz
psychotropic - психотропний
endless - sem fim
quest - busca
grasp - aperto
running - corrida

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