Inside of aeons from chaotic spires

A shell of frozen time

Where beats the silent ocean

Of shadows turned sublime

Forces of inspiring luminescence

Guide the hidden way

I know that it will take me to

Another golden age

Sundered from daylight, by the rage of the unseen

Betwixt carbonic plateaus where rarity convenes

Under the heat of a thousand suns destruction is attained

When flows the red and ochre histories ingrained

Legends pass and time ticks on, entropy prevails

Into the endless darkness every ship must sail

Ouroboros uncoiled, the circle ends tonight

One thousand years of history banished from all sight

The sun will set forever

years - anos
where - onde
turned - virou
tonight - esta noite
thousand - mil
shell - concha
shadows - sombras
rarity - raridade
plateaus - planalto
passed - passado
silent - silencioso
ocean - oceano
night - noite
ticks - carrapatos
chapter - capítulo
convenes - convoca
beats - batidas
meets - encontra
again - novamente
bitter - amargo
darkness - trevas
aeons - eons
forsake - abandone
chaotic - caótico
spires - pináculos
across - através
frozen - congeladas
circle - círculo
banished - banido
embrace - abraço
inside - dentro
destruction - destruição
inspiring - inspirador
calling - ligando
attained - alcançou
entropy - entropia
close - fechar
betwixt - entre
cosmic - cósmico
another - outro
endless - sem fim
prevails - prevalece
final - final
coming - chegando
every - cada
fight - luta
golden - dourado
sublime - sublime
flows - flui
forces - forças
sight - vista
falling - queda
forever - para sempre
unseen - despercebidas
sphere - esfera
guide - guia
under - sob
daylight - luz do dia
hidden - escondido
histories - histórias
history - história
ingrained - arraigado
legend - lenda
boundary - fronteira
memory - memória
legends - legendas
sundered - separado
never - nunca

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