Should i be seen with you one more time

my life is really on the line

his sister said she caught me out

if this gets back i´m dead without a doubt

try to ignore me each time we meet

don´t ever stop me in the street

he thinks i´m at the laundermat

without - sem
washing - lavando
wants - quer
impolite - indelicado
street - rua
ignore - ignorar
doubt - dúvida
should - devemos
feign - fingir
caught - apanhado
blows - golpes
there - há
sister - irmã
before - antes
uptight - tenso
about - sobre
night - noite
alibi - álibi
place - lugar, colocar
myself - eu mesmo
negatives - negativos
thinks - acha
betray - trair
really - realmente
surprise - surpresa
trouble - problema

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