When the leaning tower falls to the ground

When the hearsay's too much to think about

And they think that they've got you figured out

It's a rude world, it's a vicious world


When they're throwing stones

There's a place I know

I can always go


To my sanctuary, baby, where I run

And when the streets are burnin', baby, and I know

If they come with torches

Cause they don't like the truth

world - mundo
where - onde
vicious - vicioso
truth - verdade
trumpet - trombeta
tower - torre
torches - факелы
through - através
squad - pelotão
sanctuary - santuário
saints - santos
proof - prova
throwing - jogando
enemy - inimigo
cross - cruz
crowd - multidão
matters - importa
wrong - errado
chorus - coro
hearts - corações
streets - ruas
stones - pedras
cause - causa
place - lugar, colocar
beside - ao lado
always - sempre
sounds - soa
apocalypse - apocalipse
leaning - inclinando-se
faces - rostos
about - sobre
lightning - relâmpago
dance - dança
lined - forrado
someone - alguém
falls - cai
figured - figurado
firing - disparando
getting - obtendo
think - pensar
ground - chão

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