Winter's lost its grip

The ocean is set free

The ship glides through the broken ice

Out to an open sea

North winds fill the sails

They fly on frothing seas

As hope grows stronger in his heart

It's easier to breathe

Days turn into nights

Nights turn into days

His determination grows

With every breath he takes

There he stands alone, one man against all

With a sword in each hand, soon he will fall

There he stands alone, one man against all

With a sword in each hand, heeding the call

wretched - miserável
worth - que vale a pena
heart - coração
grows - cresce
north - norte
glides - desliza
force - força
slain - morto
knows - sabe
takes - leva
heeding - observar
before - antes
broken - partido
every - cada
easier - mais fácil
friends - amigos
earth - Terra
tells - conta
against - contra
frothing - espuma
determination - determinação
withdraw - retirar o
ocean - oceano
winds - ventos
comes - vem
alone - sozinho
noble - nobre
fight - luta
breath - respiração
likely - provável
prepared - preparado
offers - ofertas
reach - alcance
there - há
remains - permanece
sails - velas
stands - fica
nights - noites
appears - aparece
through - através
quells - quells
breathe - respirar
skirmish - escaramuça
stronger - mais forte
attacks - ataques
sword - espada
waits - espera
their - deles

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